
Preparation for Passover

Sacred meals date back to the ancient world where various peoples, tribes, and cultures would sacrifice animals and share a meal together. These meals are significant because the foods and experiences make the past more real or more present to the participants. Likewise, these meals affirm and intensify the bond among the family, tribe, or religious group. For example, the most important meal in ancient Israel -- and even today -- is the Passover. This meal celebrates the passing over of YHWH who slew the firstborn of the Egyptians and the crossing over of the Hebrews from slavery to freedom through the Red Sea.

Rabbi Sharon Brous Passover Interview:

Watch Rabbi Sharon Brous Extended Interview on PBS. See more from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.

Preparing for Passover:

Watch Preparing for Passover on PBS. See more from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.

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